We are conveniently located at 1150 Brighton Avenue in Portland, Maine.
Here are directions to the hotel.
Take Maine Turnpike to Exit 48
Take a left onto Riverside Street
Take another left onto Brighton Avenue
Immediately after the bridge take your first right
Bear right and drive past Northern Lights Smoke Shop
Look for our registration office on your left.
Take Maine Turnpike to Exit 47
Take a right onto Rand Road
Take a left onto Brighton Avenue
Turn left into parking lot for Kon Asian Bistro
Immediately turn right and drive past Northern Lights Smoke Shop
Turn left and look for our registration office on your left.
You can also use your phone's GPS to guide you here.
If you still need help please call us at (207) 775-3711.
Here are directions to the hotel.
Take Maine Turnpike to Exit 48
Take a left onto Riverside Street
Take another left onto Brighton Avenue
Immediately after the bridge take your first right
Bear right and drive past Northern Lights Smoke Shop
Look for our registration office on your left.
Take Maine Turnpike to Exit 47
Take a right onto Rand Road
Take a left onto Brighton Avenue
Turn left into parking lot for Kon Asian Bistro
Immediately turn right and drive past Northern Lights Smoke Shop
Turn left and look for our registration office on your left.
You can also use your phone's GPS to guide you here.
If you still need help please call us at (207) 775-3711.
Inn at Portland
1150 Brighton Avenue
(behind Northern Lights)
Portland, ME 04102
(207) 775-3711
A Maine-owned independent motor hotel
All registered trademarks herein are the property of their respective owners
1150 Brighton Avenue
(behind Northern Lights)
Portland, ME 04102
(207) 775-3711
A Maine-owned independent motor hotel
All registered trademarks herein are the property of their respective owners
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